How SBI Made My Internet
Business Web Site Possible

I'd like to tell you how I came to pick SBI, from all the thousands of providers out there, to help me achieve my goal of building a successful internet business web site. (To learn more about what lead up to this web site you can check out my about us page.)

My interest in having a web site, more specifically an internet business web site, started several years ago. If you've ever ventured down the "I want to start an internet business" path, I'm sure you'll be able to relate to at least parts of my story.

In case you haven't been there before, let me tell you, there are thousands of self-proclaimed, self-promoting, self-important "gurus" out there with great sounding offers to "help".

Most of these 'gurus' won't help you build a quality, income producing web site, but they will most definitely help you reduce the size of you bank account.

On my 'About Us' page I mentioned that, since I'm pretty much internet business and web site illiterate, it would probably require that 'Internet Aliens' take over my computer for me to build my own web site.

'Internet Aliens', and there are many thousands of them, speak the jargon, which is gibberish to me, and they possess the technical knowledge, which I don't have, which are necessary to build income producing internet business web sites.

The problem is, the vast majority of them can help you build a pretty web site, but they have no knowledge about how to build quality productive internet business web sites.

If a web site is pretty but lacks quality, it won't be popular with the search engines hence it won't have many visitors. If a web site doesn't have many visitors it's not going to be a good income producing internet business web site, no matter how pretty it is. Right?

Evidently there are a very limited number of what's known as 'Special Internet Aliens' which have some kind of special knowledge about how to build quality productive internet business web sites and make them popular, in the right ways, with the search engines.

If I had to try and describe what a 'Special Internet Alien' looks like, I'm guessing it would be something like that good looking creature to the left. Solid Gold. And just about as rare, can't seem to find them hardly anywhere.

Since I mentioned them, and they've obviously taken over my computer, I'm going to let them help me tell the rest of my story so you'll be seeing them pop up here and there.

There are literally thousands upon thousands of web sites on the subject of building income producing internet business web sites.

Over the past several years, I've personally checked out way more than my share of them. Although I'm not proud of it, I even signed on with a few.

But something has always derailed my efforts. There's always been a "road block", a "brick wall", a hidden agenda, or a glaring lack of necessary tools and/or support, etc.

None of them provided someone like me, who has no web site building knowledge, with a way to build my own quality internet business web site. Most of them seemed to fall in one of four categories:

    Quick And Easy
    Have your web site up and running in 60 seconds...for only $1.00!
I'm not kidding, there's one that really says that.
Think about it.
As you've no doubt been told since you were a child,
"nothing in life, really worth having, is ever quick or easy".

    Get Rich Quick (GRQ)
    How to make $2,500.00 a week working for yourself at home!
    Just fill in your e-mail and click "Submit".
    But wait, to give yourself the best chance to succeed, you'll
    need this $19.95 tool. Fill in your credit card information
    and click "Submit".
    Wait, would you like to double your income? You'll need....and so on.
Now I see how they're making $2,500.00 a week.
It would appear the only one getting rich quick was, 'SURPRISE',
the person at the other end of these deals.

    Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
    We'll build you a beautiful web site, if you pay us enough.
Obviously the more you spend the better your site will look.
But, will it be effective?
There are thousands of great looking, VERY EXPENSIVE web
sites that get little or no traffic.
To me, a truly beautiful web site is one which looks good and
has a steady, flow of visitors.

    Sounds Almost To Good To Be True
    Only $9.95 per Month.
    Buried deep in the small print:
    Keyword list costs extra, $2,500 to $5,000.
    Support costs extra.
    Domain registration costs extra.
    E-mail costs extra.
    More than 10 pages costs extra etc., etc.
Yup, the Internet version of the old "bait and switch".
Let's see now, how's that old saying go? If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is!

I learned that it's very important to not only check them out carefully but to also read and understand the small print!

You'll discover that the vast majority of these offers are nothing more than some type of scam, designed to siphon your money out of your bank account into theirs. Some are just disguised better than others.

Let's face it, like probably 99% of the people who would like to have an income producing internet business web site, although I understood the general concept, I had no clue.

No clue what it takes to build a web site.

No clue how to get it found among the millions of web sites out there.

No clue where...................... Well, you get the idea, I HAD NO CLUE!

Now if you're one of the lucky ones who DOES HAVE A CLUE, you can click here to skip over the rest of my story and go to the SBI internet business information.

One day while reading through the forums at the web site of one of those "gurus" there was a post where a lady talked about how she built an income producing internet business web site. She told how she did it herself with the help of something called SBI, how well it was doing and how this SBI, what ever that was, made it all possible.

I followed a link she provided and started reading about this SBI. I read about how they provide everything needed to put together a quality, productive and highly trafficked web site.

How they remove all the technical barriers that hold people, like me, back from pursuing the idea of building their own internet business web site.

They have so many tools and services, many that I had no idea what they were or what they did. I was actually a bit overwhelmed with all that was there.

Much of what I was reading was totally alien to me. (Are you beginning to see where the 'Internet Alien' thing came from?)

Then it hit me, I had found what looked as though it just may be the answer to what I'd been searching for.

I kept clicking through links, reading, studying, taking notes, digesting and taking time to try and comprehend the things I was seeing and reading. Always on the outlook for any indication that this might be one of those types mentioned above.


After a couple of weeks, well really more like 6 weeks, of this digging, reading and digesting, I had learned what I needed to know. I had learned that this was not a scam or just another "quick and easy", "pay us thousands of dollars" or GRQ outfit.

No, these guys were different, they had substance, no hidden agenda, they had answers to the things I had No Clue about.

I have since learned that most of the 'Special Internet Aliens' are actually at SBI.

SBI is like a 'paint-by-numbers' internet business success kit.

Yes, this was what I'd been looking for all along.

Once I realized what I'd found, if I were more of an extrovert, I probably would have grabbed a megaphone and started shouting about it in the streets. (Just kidding)

I decided I'd give them a try.

After all, if I didn't like SBI, they'd give my money back no questions asked.

    I realized, a month or so later, that while I was checking them out, they'd actually been teaching me things that are important in the internet business web site building process. Seriously, they taught me things even before I signed on with them. Who does that now days? Free useful information?!

My Web Site Building Adventure

I hadn't even really gotten started, I think I was on my second day, when I realized that my dream web site the "Internet Mega Mall" was not going to happen.

The SBI training showed me that it wouldn't work and explained very clearly why it wouldn't work. It seems that my dream site would be what's called a link farm, which evidently is a huge no-no with the search engines.

Now what?

I'd paid my money and Penny, my wife, was expecting me to "hit one out of the park" so to speak.

Sure they'd give my money back if I asked, but I'm the competitive type, I don't give up easily. No, this was a challenge and the bigger the challenge the more gratifying the victory. Or something like that.

I pondered my predicament for several days. Finally I told Penny about how the "Internet Mega Mall" wouldn't work and that maybe I'd made a mistake getting involved in this web site thing.

Without even stopping to think about it, she looked at me and said something like, "why couldn't you do something with your safety background?".

Duh, why didn't I think of that? Wow, it was sort of a "V8 moment", if you know what I mean. (VISUALIZE) My own hand smacks my own forehead.

The next day I was back into full blown research mode. With the guidance of SBI, the results of that research combined with the knowledge of my 30 years of work experience along with Penny's and my life experiences are being laid out on the pages of this web site.

As I spent time in the SBI forums reading and asking questions, it occurred to me that just about any subject I could think of I could build an income producing internet business web site about.

I already know what the next 2 are going to be about.

Frequently Asked Questions
About SBI

The fact that you're still here suggests to me that you're looking for more information.

I'm sure you have questions. Everybody has questions, as well they should. I'd be concerned if you didn't.

Trust me, when I say, I had lots of questions myself.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

SBI Teamwork

  • Is it simple?
    Yes, by following the SBI process it really is quite simple. Sort of like putting a puzzle together or "paint-by-numbers".
  • Is it easy?
    No, it's going to require a commitment of time and effort on your part. But it's really not all that hard, especially when you're doing something you enjoy.

    Stop and think for just a moment. When was the last time you accomplished anything really worthwhile that didn't take some time and effort on your part?

  • I really learn best in a structured class environment. Does

    SBI have classes I can take?
    As a matter of fact they do. Introduced in March 2009, SBI e-Learning program is designed specifically for folks like you. Learn through a web based virtual classroom environment.

  • I'm really a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) type of person. I want to build my own web site. Do I need to learn a bunch of technical stuff before I can do that?
    No, if you can follow easy to understand directions, with the SBI system, you can build a quality internet business web site. You would use the SBI-DIY self study, work at your own pace, block builder program. I can and do personally vouch for this one, it's how I built this web site. It works!
  • I already know HTML, Java, Word Press, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, etc., etc. Will the SBI system be to basic for me?
    Absolutely not. There's a path for those who have these skills. You'll find what you need built right into the SBI-DIY program. SBI provides ALL the tools necessary to not only upload your own content but everything else that's needed to get your web site out there and found.
  • With my business, my job, my kids, etc., I don't have the time to build my own web site. Does SBI have something for me?
    Yes they do, they have a team of professionals, known as Site Sell Services, who will work closely with you to build your internet business web site for you. They'll build it to what ever level of completion you choose, and you can take it from there. Not just any old web site, mind you, but one that will be in the niche of your choice and highly effective.

People have lots of reason for wanting to build an internet business. Such as:

  • Maybe you're looking for a way, like I was, to supplement your pension or other income.
  • Possibly you would like to replace your current job, replace lost income
  • One of the best reasons I can think of, you'd like to be a work at home Mom WAHM or Dad.
  • Perhaps you want to have the option to work for yourself from home, or from wherever else in the world YOU choose.

  • OK, you've had a glimpse of what SBI has to offer. Want to know more about how effective the SBI system is and see a sample of the wide variety of subjects people build internet business web sites about? Here's a sampling of just a few hundred, but not all, of the web sites built using SBI that rank in the top .5% of ALL the millions of web sites on the whole World Wide Web.

    Here's something to ponder. . . If you keep doing (or not doing) what you're doing (or not doing), can you really expect different or better results?

My First Year

From my own experience I can honestly say, without hesitation, anyone who puts their mind to it and gives it an honest effort can build their own highly effective e-business web site with SBI.

When I started I had absolutely no clue about __________ (you can fill in the blank) when it came to building an internet business web site. The SBI system (and the 'Special Internet Aliens') lead me step by step and made this possible.

Before this site was 6 months old I was getting visitors from more than 20 countries, each month, and it was ranked in the top 2% of the entire world wide web.

At 11 months my web site had pages that ranked #1 & #2 of 258,000, #4 of 241,000, #7 of 168,000 and #17 of 255,000 on Google. This month it's started, little by little, to supplement my pension.

On its 1 year anniversary my internet business web site is ranked in the top 1% of the entire world wide web.

All of that still amazes me when I think about it. I hope you are enjoying your visit. If you see potential for yourself in what SBI provides but you still have questions you can go here and either fill out an e-mail form to ask your question(s) or you can call their Toll Free phone number 1-888-987-3669 where some very friendly folks will answer any questions you may have.

That about wraps up the story of my web site building adventure, at least for now.

We really do wish you all the best in the future and if you should decide to join Solo Build It and build a web site I'd love it if you would contact me and tell me all about it, how it's going and if I can help in any way.

Thank you again for stopping by.
We hope you, and yours,
have a long, healthy and
prosperous life!

Ron Gouge

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