"Organic Hair Products Do Not
Contain Toxic Chemicals"

Why is it important to make the switch to organic hair products? Most commercially available hair care products contain anionic surfactants and silicone based emollients. You will find that good quality natural and organic hair care products do not contain any of these ingredients.

Anionic surfactants are foaming agents that can be a serious health threat as they often combine with other ingredients to form cancer causing compounds. Some of the most common anionic surfactants are listed as SLS, SLES, ALS, ALES and TEA.

Silicone based ingredients basically coat your hair with plastic. Much the same as when you wrap food in plastic wrap. Because of this your hair is not able to breath or absorb nutrients necessary for it to remain health. Any ingredient with "cone" in its name, such as dimethicone, dimethicone copolyol or cylcomethicone can be thought of as plastic wrap for your hair or skin.

Organic Hair Products
Will Work Differently

When you first make the switch to organic hair care products you will most likely find that the shampoo doesn't foam and the other organic hair care products don't work effectively. This will be true until you hair has had the opportunity to "detox" and remove this coating.

While your hair is going through this "detox" it will most likely feel dry, be knotty and difficult to control. This is normal until the hair is free of the silicone. These conditions can be improved by using a good organic hair products designed to add nourishment, such as a repair serum. The "detox" process may take a week or two if all you do is shampoo and use an organic rinse and conditioner.

If you don't want to wait, for your hair to go through the natural "detox" process, here are some steps that you can take to help speed "detox" process along:

  • Combine 1 cup sea salt, 1 cup apple cider vinegar 2 cups sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and wash your hair with it a few times.
  • Make a paste of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and organic shampoo and wash your hair with it a few times.
  • Make a paste of clay, from the health food store, or a clay mask, with organic shampoo and wash your hair with that a few times.
  • Once the "detox" process is complete you will find that the organic shampoo foams and your hair responds to the other products and is silky and soft, like nature intended it.  

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